Sunday, 9 September 2012


I came across this, during one of my recent devotion. A question dropped on my mind, and the question was, 'I'm I in the generation of them that seek God'. The truth is, there is only one generation seeking God. Those with clean hands and pure heart. If you are not in this generation, then it is obvious you are not seeking God.
Enough of "God is working on me" some of us were better Christians when we first gave our life to Christ. Now it is a story of coming out of one temptation and falling into another and we are so fast at excusing  ourselves with the words "God is working on me", I'm still growing", "I'm on my way to perfection"," nobody is perfect except God". We now wallow in sin like is normal, and still minister as choristers, ushers, bible study teachers, pastors, evangelists e.t.c
If great men and women of God wallowed in sin the way we now do, I'm sure God's move will be nothing to write home about in their generation. If Jesus behaved the way we now do, he would have failed in his responsibility and you know what that means.Remember he didn't take on the nature of Angels.
It is high time we called ourselves to order, ask ourselves whose gene do we possess, that of God or that of the devil? You can not possess the seed of God and still be involved in shady deals in your offices, you can not possess the seed of God and still sleep with a co-minister or be involved in masturbation, pornography hard or soft, lies e.t.c Some of us, our hearts are choked with lust. We profess to know God, but in works we deny him, being abominable and disobedient, and unto every good works reprobate.
God has not written another Bible, he has not changed his standard, his foundation standeth sure, having this seal, let every one that nameth the name of the Lord depart from iniquity. May the spirit of the fear of the Lord not depart from us.

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1 comment:

  1. Yea, this is great..we need5od in us, we need to serve him, we need to seek his mercies and above all his grace is sufficient for us
